Westwood Printing and Signs is committed to the safety of our customers, staff, vendors, and community.Here is where you will find what we are doing to protect you, our valued customer our staff and any visitors.

Before you visit: If you feel unwell, have flu like or cold symptoms or symptoms that are related with Covid-19 please phone your local health authority or call 811.

What we are doing: Our office now requires all staff to follow PHO guidelines such as wearing masks when they are not at their desks or cannot physically distance. All Staff is required to fill out a self-assessment screening form daily upon arriving to work. If they feel unwell or have any symptoms or have come in contact with someone who is suspected to have COVID19 they are required to self-isolate and seek medical attention. Signage is posted throughout the office on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19, physical distancing, sanitation processes. We have increased sanitation and cleaning of our equipment, office, and personal spaces. Employees are given the opportunity to work remotely where required. We continually look to acquire PPE for our staff and have a active inventory of masks and sanitizer.

What you can do: Seek medical attention if you feel unwell. Please do not visit if you have any symptoms; flu-like or COVID-19. Please do not visit if you have traveled outside of BC in the past 14 days or have been in contact with someone suspected to have COVID-19 or has had COVID-19. Please wear your mask before entering.

We continue to follow directives from WorkSafeBC, the BC Public Health Office and the BC Centre for Disease Control to ensure the measures we take to minimize the risk of COVID-19 transmission are in alignment with best practice and the latest evidence.